The Ultimate Foot Experience
Like a facial for your feet
No extremity bears the burden of your life like your feet. Pamper them lavishly with The Ultimate Foot Experience.
To begin your session, your therapist conducts a thorough evaluation of your feet, noting areas of particular concern, then prepares a customized treatment based on your specific needs. You will be taken to your own treatment chamber for complete privacy, and seated in the exquisite comfort of our contoured massage chair, which you control to direct the gentle massaging system all along your back, shoulders and neck. You will be served a soothing chamomile tea and biscuits on delicate china.

Heat Therapy & Acupressure
The Ultimate Foot Experience begins with a therapeutic heat and acupressure treatment to your feet to promote blood circulation while loosening tense muscle tissues. You will unwind and forget about your stressful day as the soothing stimulation of thousands of nerve endings located in the soles of your feet to help prevent leg cramps and ease aches in toes and heels. Interactive zone heat therapy radiates warmth while spreading comfort throughout your body.
Hydrotherapy & Aroma Therapy
Next, your personal therapist prepares a custom blend of oils and vitamins to for a delightfully fragrant and antiseptic hydrotherapy bath. Your feet are submerged, and you sink back into comfort to enjoy every moment of this relaxing, rejuvenating experience. The goal of hydrotherapy is to improve blood circulation to your feet. This is important because blood delivers nutrients to and removes wastes from tissues and organs. If cirÂculation is poor or slow, healing nutrients cannot be delivered and toxins cannot be removed, which causes degeneration of the tissues and organs. By improving circulation, more nutrients are available for cells to use and toxins are managed more efficiently.

Exfoliation, Callous
Reduction & Smoothing
Following your hydrotherapy bath, you will receive a stimulating exfoliation treatment to remove old surface skin cells, which helps to eliminate dry, rough skin. It includes toenail cleaning, shaping, buffing, and callous reduction to result in silky smooth feet. A moisture rich mixture of essential oil blends is then applied to your feet, in preparation for a warm, hydrating paraffin dip. During this process, your feet are immersed in a warm paraffin bath, then placed in soft, heated booties which enable the oils to penetrate deeply into your skin. After a 15-minute relaxation session, the paraffin is removed.
Reflexology and Stress Relief
Choose the gentle or vigorous pressure of reflexology techniques to drain away lactic acid buildup and relieve knots and spasms within your muscles and connective tissue.
Reflexology is the dynamic stimulation of the foot through the foot's pressure point systems to stimulate nerve endÂings and energy flow throughout the body.
Your theraÂpist will apply deep pressure-point techniques to areas on your feet that "reflect" different internal organs, musÂcles and joints, encourages your body's natural regenÂerative ability, thus easing stress and encouraging total body relaxation.
Buff or Polish
The Ultimate Foot Experience concludes with an applicaÂtion of nail polish or natural satin buff. To finish this lavish procedure, your feet are misted with an invigoratÂing botanic spray to leave your feet feeling incredibly smooth, marvelously refreshed and looking the best you've ever seen them.
Why Not Schedule A Treatment And Make You And Your Feet Happy Today?